Wer als letztes antwortet kriegt viel mehr als nur 128 Dias

Ja, dir auch eine gute Nacht, auch wenn ich jetzt nicht schlafen gehe. Hier
Ok dann gute Nacht Bookworm :p
Noch ein Text:

noun a book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form. a piece of written or printed material regarded as conveying the authentic or primary form of a particular work. written or printed words, typically forming a connected piece of work. data in the form of words or alphabetic characters. the main body of a book or other piece of writing, as distinct from other material such as notes, appendices, and illustrations.
verb send (someone) a text message.
Ja, dir auch eine gute Nacht, auch wenn ich jetzt nicht schlafen gehe. Hier

Noch ein Text:

noun a book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form. a piece of written or printed material regarded as conveying the authentic or primary form of a particular work. written or printed words, typically forming a connected piece of work. data in the form of words or alphabetic characters. the main body of a book or other piece of writing, as distinct from other material such as notes, appendices, and illustrations.
verb send (someone) a text message.
Bitte noch auf Deutsch übersetzen, sonst lese ich den Text nicht.
Das ist ja sehr spannend.
Ja, dir auch eine gute Nacht, auch wenn ich jetzt nicht schlafen gehe. Hier

Noch ein Text:

noun a book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form. a piece of written or printed material regarded as conveying the authentic or primary form of a particular work. written or printed words, typically forming a connected piece of work. data in the form of words or alphabetic characters. the main body of a book or other piece of writing, as distinct from other material such as notes, appendices, and illustrations.
verb send (someone) a text message.
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